File Menu

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New Folder

Creates a new folder inside the currently-selected folder. If the currently-selected folder is not open, a new folder is created at the same level as the selected folder.

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Opens the selected item. If the selected item is a folder, it is opened.

If the selected item is a file, it is opened if it resides on a local hard disk. Otherwise, an error message is shown.

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Close Window

Closes the active window. This function is available only if the active window is not a connection window.

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Close Folder

Closes the selected folder. This function is available only if the active window is a connection window.

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New Connection

Opens a new connection window, which by default shows the Desktop for the local Mac. To make a connection to another Mac, click the connection icon for a the popup menu of connection choices.

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Open Connection

Opens a new connection window and makes a connection to a remote Mac.

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Close Connection

Disconnects and closes the active connection window.

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Save Connection As...

Saves the connection information for the active window in a document. Opening the document will cause a connection to be re-opened. If an item is selected in the window when the connection information is saved, opening the document will cause that item to be found and displayed.

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Get Info

Get info on the selected items. Info can be gotten on no more than 4 items at at time.

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Duplicate the selected items.

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Quits SpeedShare Client. All open connections will be automatically closed.

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